Lesson 1 - To be able to apply number bonds within 10
Lesson 2 - To be able to add and subtract 1s from a 3-digit number
Lesson 3 - To be able to add and subtract 10s from a 3-digit number
Lesson 4 - To be able to add and subtract multiples of 100
Lesson 5 - To be able to add and subtract 100s from a 3-digit number
Lesson 6 - To be able to add 1s across a 10
Lesson 7 - To be able to add 1s to a 3-digit number
Lesson 8 - To be able to add 10s to a 3-digit number with exchange
Lesson 9 - To be able to subtract 1s from a 3-digit number
Lesson 10 - To be able to subtract 10s from a 3-digit number
Lesson 11 - To be able to spot patterns within addition and subtraction
Lesson 12 - To be able to add two 3-digit numbers no exchange
Lesson 13 - To be able to subtract two 3-digit numbers no exchange
Lesson 14 - To be able to add two numbers exchanging across a 10
Lesson 15 - To be able to add two numbers exchanging across a 100
Lesson 16 - To be able to subtract two numbers exchanging across a 10
Lesson 17 - To be able to subtract two numbers exchanging across a 100
Lesson 18 - To be able to add 2-digit and 3-digit numbers with exchange
Lesson 19 - To be able to subtract 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers with exchange
Lesson 20 - To be able to add two 3-digit numbers no exchange
Lesson 21 - To be able to add two 3-digit numbers with exchange (2022-2023)
Lesson 22 - To be able to subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number no exchange
Lesson 23 - To be able to subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number with exchange
Lesson 24 - To be able to know and use complements to 100
Lesson 25 - To be able to estimate answers to calculations
Lesson 26 - To be able to check answers to calculations
Lesson 27 - To be able to make decisions when adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers